Blogger Article Writing Tips for Ranking and Research

Writing Articles and getting them indexed is a big hassle nowadays as due to the latest Google Search Engine Update only Unique Content get's indexed
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Blogger Article Writing Tips for Ranking and Research
Blogger Article Writing Tips for Ranking and Research

You know writing article doesn't mean that only writing paragraphs from this-n-that will make sure that other users actually read your website carefully.

Even bots nowadays make sure that their content is actually categorized and properly formatted according to the user queries so yeah I will say Formatting is the essence of Writing.

As Blogger is based on HTML and CSS so by learning both Formatting, Styles can be easily made using Codepen Refrences just like me 😂

And for the SEO (Well this term has a very big scope so let's make a seperate Article for it) I will Guide so don't worry and if you know this much then make sure to check the last parts of this Article.

Before we start let me say it -

Blogger always had scope and all it require is Efforts

I know many of you are Pros or The So Called Experienced Bloggers but this post is for Beginners and may or may not help you so read as per your discretion as this series is actually a Tutorial 🫠

Let's start okay...

Article Writing Tips -

Mindset Matters -

While before writing an Article or using someone to write it you must ensure what is my purpose of writing ?

Is it to deal information with your users or sell the information or is it to just scam them with useless info and only make volume pages with keyword stuff to make it look like an article.

I know many of you just want to get AdSense and earn money using it and do not want to put efforts in writing then maybe you are using AI Tools or maybe hired someone to write it.

Well set your mindset first then move on so that I can tell you which type of Blogs are Successful and which are not. 
(Success = AdSense approved and Quality Traffic is coming)

Finding Topics or Keywords for your Niche -

Finding a Better Topic is a problem which many of us face if we haven't done proper planning or research before starting our Blog.

You can view Videos on YouTube or ask some pros to suggest you a keyword or a niche (category) so that you can find your Topics just by entering them on Google and viewing the Top 10-20 websites which have something similar to it.

I know that this method will not be helpful but sometimes I actually myself use reference websites and what is the problem with using reference man! Just give them credit if you are copying it.

So let's say you got your Keyword using Tools like Ahrefs ,Moz or Keyword Planner and checked that their CPC, Search Volume and Difficulty meets your Requirement or Ability then try to select a Topic you know better even by a bit.

Keyword must be related to your Blog Niche so that you can appear in search results more.

Well simply speaking of myself, since I have started Blogging I haven't done that much of Keyword Research using Tools and just viewed Google Search Questions or any similar niche Website Articles.

Format Writing is Reliable -

Writing in a certain order or format helps you to know what you will provide to the users at what time and you can easily arrange the Topics if needed.

Article Format must contain the below Things -


Make a unique introduction using questions and facts that support your writing and help the user to find accurate answers to the question he has in mind. The introduction must be of 5 to 6 lines and then you should include the facts and give a proper greeting to the user.

Advance Preparation 

If you are making an article on how-to Category or something which requires some documents or IDs. Don't just mislead people with fake requirements as it will create a loophole of false information and being your site to be rejected in Search Results.

Make sure you have done the basic settings in Blogger as without it your website will look like a Coffee without sugar.

How-to or Main Content

Providing Information to the user or giving steps for How-to content will make your site more professional and structured which will help the users to easily understand and gain the results that they want.

Using different styles and formatting in Paragraphs like Bold Texts,Italics,Underlines,Notes, Highlights,Middle Alignment,Designs and Element adding will make your website looking more gorgeous and nice to view.

Adding Warnings and Notes in a Oppressive manner to provide information directly will help the users to keep words in mind.

Trying before Providing/Selling 

Most Users in Blogger just start posting content without trying or using it themselves. Your Content must be used by your first, like before giving an advice you should follow it yourself first.

Just like this if you are selling products online then you must use them first or atleast listen to the query of those who have purchased it.

This enables users to build trust upon you and your content 🙂...

Concluding with refrences and helpful things

Adding a Conclusion to your Posts will help you to write what you want to say directly to users or greet them farewell.

Adding refrence links from which you think adding them will help users if they have any query related to the post or those who want to learn more about the topic. You can also advise readers to do's and dont's here.

Internal Linking and External Linking matters 

Adding links to other website and our own previous article will help Google to actually know that you are providing the user a Good Content and will definitely index if you have done a correct linking.

External Linking will help your Authority to grow ( If done correctly) and help users to learn or go directly to a more information about the keyword you had set the link to.

Internal Linking will help Google to Re-Index the canonical pages that you have created in relation with the old posts. It enables users to directly see what you want to elaborate on the specific keyword that you have already made a post about.

SEO - do's and don'ts 

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a thing we bloggers must do before releasing our post and get it indexed by Google Bot. SEO is the key factor to ranking an article in Search Results which help your website to be shown to users in a more helpful way.

Basically it's a set of things you must do so that your website is selected as a canonical for Google Bot to get it indexed and added to search results based on the Quality the post is providing to their Users.

It's based on different things and the way to do it actually is quite complex for beginners ( as we make mistakes) so let's see the key point's to consider while posting an article using Blogger.

  • Adding an Image Thumbnail will help users to increase CTR through Social Media and Image Search. (Make Thumbnails Free)
  • Adding ALT & META Tags will help Google to show your Content to users when and how.
  • Adding Links to your post will help Google to identify the Content Quality and Writers Intelligence.
  • Making Headings, Highlighting Important things is a must to give users what they need.
  • Writing Original,Unique and Self-Written content (you may use AI Writing as refrence) will help Google to index your website firstly.
  • Adding Schema Markups will help Google to make Rich Results out of your content.


So yeah that's all I have to say for writing any type of Article in Blogger but it matters on what you think is better for your website.

I am not saying that doing this will help you to look professional, it's just that Google periodically changes their Requirements to get indexed in Search but these things are the basics and they are to be followed unconditionally so that I future you don't regret editing all the articles one by one 🙃.


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